
Comment se préparer?


La première partie en Anglais pour vous expliquer que l’Anglais est la langue de travail au SF Gp.

The Belgian Special Forces Qualification course is an extremely demanding selection course with a
duration of 6 months. The requirements are not only having an excellent physical condition, but also
good intellectual capacities and a strong mental state. Even though all requirements are equally
important, experience shows us most candidates pull out due to a lack of physical preparation. Unless you are already an exceptional athlete, nobody is able to succeed the Q-course without specific preparation. Although it might be obvious for every candidate how to become a military athlete, this training program will give you some guidelines and an in detail training program.
Preparation for the Belgian Special Forces Q-course goes beyond the everyday life physical fitness.
Preparation for the Q-course is all about functional fitness.
Functional fitness is the development of many fitness qualities such as; maximal strength, strength-
endurance, mobility, flexibility, power, speed, and agility for enhanced performance for specific
demands. In the end, functional fitness for the tactical athlete enhances their performance in the field and minimizes the risk of injuries, in this case, surviving the Belgian Special Forces Q-course.
Going through the Special Forces Q-course means having the ability to exhibit high levels of strength
in light of fatigue and compromised, stressful situations i.e. lack of sleep, having heavy equipment on, etc., and to deal efficiently with a great variety of situations and oppositions.
Lastly, functional fitness for the tactical athlete requires them to be resilient to injury under all the
varying circumstances they may encounter in the field.
The demands for the Q-course candidate are extreme and unique as their physical fitness can be or
will be tested under extreme circumstances, highly unpredictable situations and with no room for
It is not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that will make the difference.
To prepare yourself for the Q-Course, you’ll need a combination of three elements:
Discipline, healthy lifestyle and physical training.
Each of these elements needs the other two to succeed. It takes effort to train on a daily basis and it
is impossible to grow your stamina and physique if you do not feed yourself properly and listen to your body.

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Plan d’entrainement

Quelques conseils

Réussir les tests physiques militaire annuel avec un minimum de 70% pour pouvoir commencer le stage de sélection est obligatoire.

Une période nécessitant une condition physique exigeante vous attend, elle réclame une bonne résistance. Entrainez vos jambes régulièrement en marchant avec un sac à dos de +/- 20 Kg tout en pratiquant l’orientation avec carte et boussole. Courir de longues distances vous aide aussi à construire votre résistance. La natation, le cross fit et le fitness permettent également à votre corps de se préparer avant le début de ce challenge. Vous pouvez demander un test d’acide lactique gratuit à l’hôpital militaire de NOH, ce test peut vous aider à réaliser un programme d’entraînement pour la course à pied ou le vélo.

Au point de vue théorique, il n’y a pas d’exigence minimale mais des connaissances en anglais, en informatique et une bonne culture générale sont demandées. N’oubliez pas que les connaissances militaires de base constituent un avantage.

Mais le plus important avant de commencer le stage est d’avoir un mental solide et une grande motivation!