Next Events

Upcoming military information days:N/A

A half-day physical training is organized on:


Only open to military personnel who want to participate in the Q-course this year or in the coming years.

Registration and information only via [email protected]
Please use your military mail address.

Upcoming events open to citizens:

On March 10th, the Royal Military Academy opens its doors to the general public!
Avenue de la Renaissance 30 1000 BRUXELLES from 10.00 am to 06.00 pm.
On March 17th, The Royal Non-Commissioned Officers School opens its door to the general public!
Luikersteenweg 371 3800 SAINT-TROND from 10.00 am to 05.00pm.
On March 20 th, it’s the Jobday of the 2 cdo ! Upon registration with your regional information center (open only to French speakers).
We will be present at these three events.

[email protected].

[email protected].